In a world full of choices, our brain helps us by making lots of decisions on autopilot. Practical, for sure. But what if these ‘short cuts’ can lead to the wrong decisions? That’s when we speak of biases and blind spots. They can influence your view or make you miss information.
The &samhoud Bias Checker is a simple AI-powered tool that helps you uncover the hidden biases in everything you write or read. From your latest speech or memo to information on your company's website. What are your blind spots? Which biases slipped into your text? Being aware helps you attain more diversity of thought - a crucial driver for more success.
Please note that this is still the beta version. We look forward to improving the Bias Checker together.
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No one can or should be 100% free of biases. But now that you're aware of the biases and blind spots, you can adjust your text accordingly.
Note: this is a beta product. Results are generated by AI and might not be fully accurate. Please help us to improve this product by giving us your feedback.
How to mitigate?
&samhoud is a family of consultancy & creative boutiques that achieve breakthroughs. Together with our clients, we solve strategic challenges. We do so with change and behavioural change expertise, supported by creativity, AI, technology & data.
As experts in change and behavioural change, we see that unconscious thinking patterns can have significant consequences in organizations and society. Biases and blind spots play a role in every corporate culture and in almost all decision-making processes. Though there is no objective ‘good or bad’, it’s important that people, and specifically leaders, are aware of this. Only then can they provide more diversity in thought - a crucial driver for success. Thanks to AI we can trace these thinking patterns more easily and on a bigger scale, to enhance the awareness process.
The Bias Checker is an AI-driven online tool that identifies biases and blind spots in your text. Once you’ve inserted your text, the Bias Checker gets to work. It provides a clear definition for 86 biases plus a strategy to detect and tackle them. This is based on scientific research as well as on our own behavioural expertise at &samhoud. Next, your text is sent to OpenAI API. This system makes prompts on blind spots and analyzes the text using the bias strategy. This results in advice on how to deal with the detected biases and blind spots in your text.
Love to know more about the Bias Checker, or get advice on how to implement the tool in your organization? Reach out to Remy Middelhoff: .